Most Popular Types of Ceramic Tile


There are a plenty of diverse types of Decorative wall tiles that are available in the market. Ceramic Tile is one of the best options of imported tiles that you can opt for. Best tiles company offers you the best range of these tiles. Here we are going to discuss about the most popular types of ceramic tile that you can opt for.

Formation of ceramic tiles

Ceramic tile is one of the most preferred tile options that is available in the market very conveniently. These are basically manufactured from the clay materials which are quarried and then prepared followed by formation of a mold. Some of the most common ceramic tile forming methods includes the dry press, extruded as well as slush mold. The former involves the mixture of dry material pressed into mold under high pressure. In extruded ceramic tile formation, the mixture of little wet material is extruded to form mold. In slush mold mixture of extremely wet material is poured in mold followed by being hardened in the kiln at high temperature.

Porcelain and Non-Porcelain

There are two categories into which the ceramic tile can be characterized. These are porcelain or non-porcelain. Ideally the traditional ceramic tiles are non-porcelain usually composed of white, red or brown clay in addition to other minerals. Porcelain ceramic tile on the other hand are made from the clay as well as minerals containing 50% white dust or sand which is known as feldspar, a type of crystal that is found in the rock imitating "flux" in the kiln-drying process. The porcelain and non-porcelain ceramic tile are either unglazed or these are glazed.

All in all, these are the most popular types of ceramic tile that you can consider placing in your office or house.


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